Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers — View — Part 1

9 min readNov 6, 2023


Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers — View — Part 1
  • What is the purpose of a view in a Ruby on Rails application?
  • How do you render a view in response to an HTTP request in Rails?
  • What is embedded Ruby (ERB), and how is it used in Rails views?
  • Explain the concept of layouts in Rails views and how they help maintain consistency.
  • How can you pass data from a controller to a view in Rails, and what’s the scope of this data?

1. What is the purpose of a view in a Ruby on Rails application?

In a Ruby on Rails application, a “view” is one of the three main components of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. The purpose of a view is to present the data from the application’s model to the user and to handle the user interface (UI) and presentation logic.


Views are responsible for rendering the HTML, XML, or other output that is sent to the user’s web browser. They define how the data from the model should be displayed to the user. This includes formatting data, creating HTML templates, and generating the user interface.

Separation of Concerns

Views help maintain a clear separation of concerns within the application. They are separate from the model (which represents the data and business logic) and the controller (which handles user input and coordinates the application’s flow). This separation makes the application more maintainable and easier to work on by different teams or individuals.


Ruby on Rails uses a templating system that allows developers to embed Ruby code directly within the view templates using embedded Ruby (ERB) or other templating engines like Haml or Slim. This allows dynamic content to be mixed with HTML, making it easier to generate dynamic web pages.

User Interaction

Views can also handle user interactions, such as forms for inputting data. They generate the HTML forms and process user input, sending it back to the controller for further processing.

Rendering Partial Views

Views can be organized into partials or templates, which can be reused across multiple views. This promotes code reusability and helps maintain consistency in the application’s UI.

Conditional Logic and Iteration

Views can include conditional statements and loops to control the display of data based on specific conditions or to iterate over collections of data.

Internationalization (I18n) and Localization (L10n)

Views can be used to internationalize and localize the application, allowing the content to be displayed in different languages and formats based on the user’s preferences.

2. How do you render a view in response to an HTTP request in Rails?

Rendering a view in response to an HTTP request is typically done within a controller action. Here are the steps to render a view in response to an HTTP request:

Define a Controller Action

You should have a controller that corresponds to the HTTP request’s route. Inside this controller, define an action method that handles the request. For example, if you have a route like /articles, you might have an ArticlesController with an index action.

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def index
# Your code here

Load Data (Optional)

If your view requires data from the model or other sources, you can load this data within the controller action. For example, you might retrieve a list of articles from the database.

def index
@articles = Article.all

Render the View

To render a view in response to the request, you can use the render method within the controller action. By default, Rails will look for a view template with the same name as the action in a corresponding folder within the app/views directory.

def index
@articles = Article.all
render :index

In this, the render :index line will look for an index.html.erb view template in the app/views/articles directory.

Respond to Different Formats (Optional)

By default, Rails will render HTML views, but you can also specify different formats, such as JSON or XML, by using the respond_to block. This allows your controller action to handle different types of responses based on the request format.

def index
@articles = Article.all

respond_to do |format|
format.html # Renders the HTML view (default)
format.json { render json: @articles }
format.xml { render xml: @articles }

Customize the View Rendering

You can pass additional options to the render method if needed. For example, you can specify a different view template, layout, or content type.

def index
@articles = Article.all

render 'custom_template', layout: 'custom_layout', content_type: 'application/json'

Redirect (Optional)

In some cases, you might want to redirect the user to a different page instead of rendering a view. You can use the redirect_to method for this purpose.

def create
# Your code to create a new resource
redirect_to articles_path

3. What is embedded Ruby (ERB), and how is it used in Rails views?

Embedded Ruby, often referred to as ERB, is a templating language used in Ruby on Rails and other Ruby applications. ERB allows you to embed Ruby code directly within HTML or other text-based templates. It’s used in Rails views to dynamically generate HTML content, making it easy to incorporate data from the application’s model and add conditional logic and loops to the presentation layer.

Embedding Ruby Code: You can embed Ruby code within ERB templates by enclosing it in <% %> or <%= %> tags.

  • <% %> tags are used for embedding Ruby code that doesn't produce any output. For example, you might use them for conditional statements or loops.
  • <%= %> tags are used for embedding Ruby code that produces output, which is then included in the rendered HTML. This is commonly used to display dynamic content from the application's model.

Example of embedding Ruby code in an ERB template:

<h1>Welcome, <%= %>!</h1>

<% if @user.admin? %>
<p>You have admin privileges.</p>
<% else %>
<p>You have regular user privileges.</p>
<% end %>


In Rails views, instance variables (prefixed with @) set in the controller are accessible within ERB templates. You can use these variables to display data from the model or to pass information from the controller to the view.

<p>The article title is: <%= @article.title %></p>


You can use Ruby loops within ERB templates to iterate over collections of data and generate repetitive HTML structures.

<% @articles.each do |article| %>
<li><%= article.title %></li>
<% end %>


ERB templates can be organized into partials, which are reusable template fragments that can be included in other views. This promotes code reusability and helps maintain a consistent UI.

To render a partial in an ERB template, you can use the <%= render 'partial_name' %> syntax.

<h1>Recent Articles</h1>
<%= render 'article_list', articles: @recent_articles %>


In Rails, you can define a layout file that surrounds your views. This layout typically includes the common structure of your web pages, such as headers, footers, and navigation menus. ERB is used in layout files to yield the content of the views within the layout.

Example layout (app/views/layouts/application.html.erb):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Rails App</title>
<%= yield %>

Form Helpers

Rails provides form helpers that generate HTML forms using ERB templates. These helpers simplify the process of creating and working with forms for user input.

<%= form_for @article do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :title %>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :content %>
<%= f.text_area :content %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

ERB is a powerful and flexible templating language that allows developers to seamlessly integrate dynamic Ruby code with HTML, making it a fundamental part of Rails views for rendering dynamic web content.

4. Explain the concept of layouts in Rails views and how they help maintain consistency

Definition of a Layout

A layout is a template file that wraps around individual view templates. You can define a layout file in the app/views/layouts directory. Layout file (app/views/layouts/application.html.erb):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Rails App</title>
<%= yield %>

Shared Elements

Shared elements like headers and footers are defined within the layout template. They are consistent across multiple pages on your website layout file with header and footer:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Rails App</title>
<h1>Welcome to My App</h1>
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
<%= yield %>
&copy; 2023 My App

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) Principle

By using layouts, you avoid duplicating the same structural code across multiple views. This helps keep your codebase concise and maintainable.

Yield Content

The <%= yield %> tag in the layout file serves as a placeholder for the content of specific views. When a view is rendered, its content replaces the yield tag in the layout. View file (app/views/welcome/index.html.erb):

<h2>Welcome to our website!</h2>
<p>This is the home page.</p>

Resulting Output (After Rendering):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Rails App</title>
<h1>Welcome to My App</h1>
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
<h2>Welcome to our website!</h2>
<p>This is the home page.</p>
&copy; 2023 My App

Consistency and Branding

The layout ensures a consistent look and feel throughout your application, which is essential for branding and a better user experience.

Easier Maintenance

If you need to make changes to common structural elements, you can make modifications in one place (the layout) rather than editing each individual view. This simplifies maintenance.

Modularity and Reusability

You can have different layouts for different sections of your application. For instance, you may want a distinct layout for an admin dashboard layout file for admin (app/views/layouts/admin.html.erb):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Admin Dashboard</title>
<h1>Admin Dashboard</h1>
<!-- Admin-specific navigation -->
<%= yield %>

You can use this admin layout for views specific to the admin section of your application.

Dynamic Layouts

You can choose layouts dynamically based on factors such as user roles or request format. For example, you might use a different layout for an API endpoint layout file for API (app/views/layouts/api.json.erb):

<%= yield %>

In this case, the layout is a minimal template used for rendering JSON responses for an API.

5. How can you pass data from a controller to a view in Rails, and what’s the scope of this data?

In a Ruby on Rails application, you can pass data from a controller to a view by using instance variables. The scope of this data is limited to the specific view being rendered.

Set instance variables in the controller

In your controller action, you can create instance variables and assign the data you want to pass to the view.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])

@user is an instance variable that holds the user data retrieved from the database.

Render the view

In the same controller action, use the render method to render the view associated with the action. Rails will automatically pass the instance variables to the view with the same name as the action by default.

def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])
render :show

In this case, Rails will render the show.html.erb view and make the @user instance variable available to that view.

Access the data in the view

In the corresponding view (e.g., app/views/users/show.html.erb), you can access the instance variable and display the data as needed using embedded Ruby (ERB) syntax. In this view, you can access the @user instance variable and display the user's name and email.

<h1>User Profile</h1>
<p>Name: <%= %></p>
<p>Email: <%= %></p>

The scope of these instance variables is limited to the view in which they are rendered. They are not accessible in other views or actions unless explicitly passed to them in the same manner. This ensures encapsulation and separation of concerns within your Rails application, allowing you to organize your data and presentation logic cleanly.

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